FATAWAY - gives back to WA farmers by recycling your used oils
The combination of Fataway and Fry Fresh offers you a convenient and safe way of handling, storing and disposing of your new and used oils.
FATAWAY- taking the pressure off the planet
Fataway has been collecting & recycling used cooking oil in Western Australia since the early 1980's & the product is used in the manufacturer of stockfeed for animals. Fataway, helping WA Farmers and the environment.
Contact Form
If you are interested in any of the service or products we offer or you have any queries please call our friendly staff for assistance.
Consultants for Fry Fresh & Fataway
Phone: (08) 9274 6794
(08) 9274 0477
Email: fryfresh@auscol.com
State Sales Manager - Tim Vagg
Mobile: 0425 827 500
Phone: (08) 9274 6794
Email: fryfresh@auscol.com
Postal Address
PO Box 1
North Fremantle 6159